Personnel Area Questions and Answers

Define Personnel area?

It is a Personnel Administration specific unit and is the subunit of the company code.  It has four-digit alphanumeric identifiers.

What are the primary functions of Personnel Area?

  • To generate default values for data entry – for payroll accounting area
  • It is a selection criteria for reporting
  • It constitutes a unit in authorization checks
What is the default value for personnel area?

It is based on the organizational unit concerned or the Account Assignment Features info-type, if it has been maintained for the position.

Define Personnel Sub-area?

It represents a further sub-division of the personnel area.  The principal organizational aspects of human resources are controlled at this level namely pay scale and wage type structures and planning of work schedules and are stored according to country.  Like personnel area, it does also have four-digit alphanumeric identifier.

What is the default value for personnel sub-area and business area?

Default values for these areas come from account assignment features infotype (number 1008) for the position or organizational unit concerned.

Where do you find divisions of an organization?

Personnel sub-area is generally used to identify divisions.

What the organisational functions of the personnel sub-area?

  • To specify the country grouping. Master data entry and the setting up and processing of wage types and pay scale groups in payroll depend on the country grouping. The grouping must be unique within a company code.
  • To assign a legal person which differentiates between companies in legal terms.
  • To set groupings for time management so that work schedules and substitution, absence and leave types can be set up for individual personnel sub-areas.
  • To generate a default pay scale type and area for an employee’s basic pay.
  • To define a public holiday calendar.
  • To define sub-area-specific wage types for each personnel area.
What is an external personnel area and personnel sub-area?

This relevant only for personnel areas that are outside an enterprise and contain such as address of the receiving personnel area.  For example, a guy is sent to subsidiary which is a self-administering company located abroad.

What is country re-assignment?

If an employee is transferred out to another country, then we have to run a personnel action to set the status 0 for the existing country and hire the same person in the new country.


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