Re-Organization Database Weekly Good or Bad

Doing re-organization of database every week is good or bad? 

We are using windows 2003 server and oracle, having two databases with 38 gb and another is 72 gb. And as per application team recommendation they suggest to do the re-organization of database for every week. So, I want to know whether doing re-organization of full database for every week is good or bad. 


You should not be re-organizing the database every week because someone said so. There are many approaches and reasons for re-organizing mainly fragmentation (also could be to change storage parameters/location). 

If you have performance issues, you should check if you are running statistics, how much changes (DML) are occurring in the database, missing indexes, improperly sized memory pools, bad storage parameters on tables etc.

We re-organize once a year max. 

Here is how you would check for fragmentation (very basic check):

set verify off

ttitle - 

center 'Index Fragmentation Statistic'   skip 2 

col owner format a25

col segment_name format a30

col segment_type format a20

--col max_extents format 9999999999

-- Table Fragmentation

select a.owner, segment_name,  segment_type, sum(bytes)/1024/1024 "MB",  max_extents,   count(*)

from   dba_extents a, dba_tables b

where  a.segment_name = b.table_name

and a.owner = 'SOME_SCHEMA'

and a.tablespace_name='SOME_TBLSP' having count(*) > 500

group  by a.owner, segment_name, segment_type, max_extents

order  by a.owner, segment_name, segment_type, max_extents


-- Index Fragmentation

select a.owner, segment_name,  segment_type, sum(bytes)/1024/1024 "MB",  a.tablespace_name,   count(*)

from   dba_extents a, dba_indexes b

where  a.segment_name = b.index_name

and a.owner = 'SOME_SCHEMA'

having count(*) > 500

group  by a.owner, segment_name, segment_type, a.tablespace_name

order  by a.owner, segment_name, segment_type, a.tablespace_name

Oracle Database

See Also
Describing All Tables In Database

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