Implementing SQL 7.0 Training Set of Four Videos

Implementing SQL 7 Level 1 (2 Hours 20 Minutes)

1.0 Relational Database Design (23 Minutes)
1.1 What is a Database?
1.2 Goals of a Database
1.3 Relational Databases
1.4 Relational Algebra
1.5 Operators
1.6 Relational Database Management System
1.7 Terms
1.8 Codd's Twelve Rules
2.0 Database Normalization (12 Minutes)
2.1 The Process of Normalization
3.0 Overview of Features in SQL (21 Minutes)
3.1 What is SQL Server?
3.2 Why Use SQL Server
3.3 Transact-SQL
3.4 Stored Procedures
3.5 Triggers
3.6 Security
3.7 Capacities
3.8 Connectivity
3.9 Additional Tools in SQL Server
3.10 SQL Versions & Requirements
4.0 Creating an SQL Server Database (39 Minutes)
4.1 Creating databases
4.2 Transaction logs
4.3 Using file groups
4.4 Database Growth
4.5 Capacity planning
5.0 Creating Tables (44 Minutes)
5.1 SQL Server field types
5.2 Creating tables
5.3 Creating defaults
5.4 Adding data to tables

Implementing SQL 7 Level 2 (2 Hours 17 Minutes)

1.0 Creating Constraints and Indexes (40 Minutes)
1.1 Creating Constraints
1.2 Primary & Foreign Keys
1.3 Creating a Unique Constraint
1.4 Creating Indexes
1.6 Creating Rules
1.7 Using Transact SQL
2.0 Data Retrieval (30 Minutes)
2.1 SQL Definition
2.2 ANSI SQL 92 standard
2.3 SELECT statement
2.4 WHERE clause
2.5 Wildcards
2.6 Examples
2.7 Calculated columns & Null
2.8 Sorting data
2.9 Aggregate functions
2.10 Using the SQL Query Analyzer
3.0 Advanced Queries (18 Minutes)
3.1 CASE
3.2 Aggregate Functions & Group By
3.3 Top N Percent
4.0 Joining Tables (33 Minutes)
4.1 Joins in SQL Server and Access
4.2 Inner Joins
4.3 Outer Joins
4.4 Cross Joins
4.5 Subqueries
4.6 Self-Joins
4.7 Union
5.0 Data Modification (15 Minutes)
5.1 Inserting data
5.2 Updating data
5.3 Deleting data

Implementing SQL 7 Level 3 (1 Hour 57 Minutes)

1.0 System Functions & Variables (29 Minutes)
1.1 Date functions
1.2 Mathematical functions
1.3 String functions
1.4 System functions
1.5 Cast & Convert functions
1.6 System Variables
2.0 Stored Procedures (30 Minutes)
2.1 Overview
2.2 Creating & Executing stored procedures
2.3 Using parameters with stored procedures
2.4 Returning information from stored procedures
2.5 Business rules in stored procedures
2.6 Using Cursors
3.0 Triggers and Views (21 Minutes)
3.1 Creating triggers
3.2 Creating views
4.0 Locking Issues (22 Minutes)
4.1 Optimistic and Pessimistic locking
4.2 Isolation levels
4.3 Types of Resource Locks
4.4 Lock Modes
4.5 Displaying locking information
4.6 Locking hints
5.0 Transactions (14 Minutes)
5.1 What is a transaction
5.3 Nesting transactions
5.4 Applying a ROLLBACK TRANS within a Trigger
5.5 Transactions and Locking
5.6 Killing Processes
5.7 Avoiding DeadLocks

Implementing SQL 7 Level 4 (2 Hours 4 Minutes)

1.0 Data Transfers (9 Minutes)
1.1 Bulk Copy Procedure (BCP)
1.3 Data Transformation Services
2.0 Full Text Searches (16 Minutes)
2.1 Overview of Full Text Searches
2.2 Creating Full Text Indexes
2.3 Performing Searches
3.0 Optimization Techniques (39 Minutes)
3.1 When and How to Optimize
3.2 Hardware
3.3 Database Design
3.4 Query Optimization
3.5 Index Usage
3.6 Using the Query Analyzer
3.7 Database Consistency Checker
3.8 SQL Server Profiler
3.9 Performance Monitor
3.10 Other Tuning
4.0 Tips and Tricks (9 Minutes)
4.1 Indexes
4.2 Key Usage
4.3 Things to avoid
4.4 Field Usage
4.5 Naming Standards
4.6 How many Databases
5.0 System Tables & Databases (17 Minutes)
5.1O verview of System Databases
5.2 Viewing System Databases & Tables
5.3 Overview of System Tables
5.4 Querying
5.5 Tables in the Master Database
5.6 Tips
6.0 Connecting (17 Minutes)
6.2 Accessing Data with ODBC
6.3 Accessing Data with ADO
7.0 Distributed Management Objects (12 Minutes)
7.2 Manipulating and Reading Objects

Regular price: $359.95padSale price: $339.95

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