Oracle Form Builder R6: Enhancing the User Interface

Course Overview

This course is the second in a six-part Oracle Developer series based on Oracle Developer Release 6. This course describes how to create input and non-input items, how to create lists of values (LOVs) and editors to support text items, and how to create forms using multiple windows and a variety of canvas styles. Additionally, this course covers ways to add functionality to items by creating triggers containing built-in subprograms.

Learn To:

  • Create input and non-input items.
  • Identify the features and uses of LOVs.
  • Create LOVs manually and using the LOV Wizard.
  • Create and use editors.
  • Create and set properties for a window and a content canvas.
  • Create and set properties for stacked, toolbar, and tab canvases.
  • Identify trigger events, components, and execution hierarchy.
  • Create triggers and identify elements of trigger code.
  • Add functionality to triggers using built-ins.
  • Add functionality to input items by creating triggers containing built-ins.
  • Add functionality to non-input items by creating triggers containing built-ins.
Content Emphasis



Application developers, database administrators, designer/developers, and technical support professionals. Participants should have knowledge equivalent to the following courses: Oracle SQL: Basic SELECT Statements (61110); Oracle SQL: Data Retrieval Techniques (61111); Oracle SQL: DML and DDL (61112); Oracle PL/SQL: Basics (60113); Oracle PL/SQL: Procedures, Functions and Packages (60114); and, Oracle PL/SQL: Database Programming (60131). In addition, learners should have taken the first part of the Oracle Developer series, Oracle Developer: Forms Fundamentals (62211).

Total Learning Time

6 - 8 Hour(s)

Course Contents

Unit 1: Items: Creating
Duration: 1.5 - 2 Hour(s)
  • Identify input item types.
  • Identify non-input item types.
  • Create a check box in the Layout Editor by using the Check Box tool.
  • Convert an existing item into a check box by using the Property Palette.
  • Create a list item in the Layout Editor by using the List Item tool.
  • Convert an existing item into a list item by using the Property Palette.
  • Create a radio group item in the Layout Editor by using the Radio Button tool.
  • Convert an existing item into a radio group item by using the Property Palette.
  • Create a display item in the Layout Editor by using the Display Item tool.
  • Create an image item in the Layout Editor by using the Image Item tool.
  • Create a sound item in the Layout Editor by using the Sound Item tool.
  • Create a button in the Layout Editor by using the Button tool.
  • Create a calculated item based on a formula by setting calculation-specific properties.
  • Create a calculated item based on a summary by setting calculation-specific properties.
  • Identify methods for creating a hierarchical tree item.
Unit 2: LOVs and Editors
Duration: 1.5 - 2 Hour(s)
  • Identify the objects required to design an LOV.
  • Create an LOV by using the LOV Wizard.
  • Create an LOV manually by using the Create icon in the Object Navigator.
  • Attach an LOV to a text item by using the Property Palette.
  • Customize an LOV by setting associated properties.
  • Create a customized editor by using the Create icon in the Object Navigator.
  • Attach an editor to a text item by using the Property Palette.
Unit 3: Windows and Canvases
Duration: 1 - 2 Hour(s)
  • Match the display objects with the appropriate definition.
  • Create a new window by using the Create icon in the Object Navigator.
  • Set the window object properties by using the Property Palette.
  • Create a content canvas by using the Create icon in the Object Navigator.
  • Set the Window property of a content canvas by using the Property Palette.
  • Create a stacked canvas by using an appropriate method.
  • Set the stacked canvas properties by using the Property Palette.
  • Check the display position of a stacked canvas in the Layout Editor.
  • Create a toolbar canvas by using the Object Navigator.
  • Set the toolbar canvas-related properties by using the Property Palette.
  • Create a tab canvas by using an appropriate method.
  • Set the tab canvas-related properties by using the Property Palette.
Unit 4: Form Builder Triggers
Duration: 1 Hour(s)
  • Identify the types of events that fire a trigger.
  • Identify the trigger type given a description.
  • Identify the scope of a trigger based on its placement in the object hierarchy.
  • Identify the statements that are allowed in trigger code.
  • Identify the default setting of the execution hierarchy property of a trigger.
  • Create a trigger by using an appropriate method.
  • Match the PL/SQL Editor component with the appropriate description.
  • Match the trigger property with the appropriate description.
  • Identify the rules for writing trigger code.
  • Identify Form Builder variable types.
  • Match the standard built-in subprogram name with the appropriate description.
  • Copy a built-in name and arguments into existing code.
Unit 5: Items: Adding Functionality
Duration: 1 Hour(s)
  • Enhance the functionality of a radio group by creating a When-Radio-Changed trigger.
  • Enhance the functionality of a check box by creating a When-Checkbox-Changed trigger.
  • Identify built-ins used to enhance the functionality of a list item.
  • Display an LOV from a button by creating a trigger containing the SHOW_LOV built-in.
  • Populate an image item with an image by creating a trigger containing the READ_IMAGE_FILE built-in.
  • Identify built-ins used to manage the components of a sound item control.
  • Identify built-ins used to populate a hierarchical tree item.
Regular price: $279.95padSale price: $249.95pad

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