Making Mistake in the Market

First a few words about the Market: "take me higher, come on baby, give me gravy, daddy needs a new pair of shoes".  Now back to more serious matters, the stocks in your portfoilo.  Do any of them seem to be having problems?  Everyone has had some problems in their life at one time or another.  The types of problems change as we grow older, and people that do better in life than others, are the ones who learned how to resolve problems and quickly move on (usually to new ones).

Solving your problems and learning from mistake is sometimes consuming and costly, but it is an unavoidable part of growing up.  Making a mistake in the Market will certainly cost you money, but the lessons learned will help you mature from a grambler to speculator or investor.

Companies, like people, also have problems growing up.  The items on the list are numerous, like "small cash flow," "slow production," to name a few.  When you are management of a company under stress, your job is to deal with the problems, and aggravation, turn it around and make money or go out of business.

When you are stockowner of that company, you have a simpler easier solution to the stress; sell the stock.  No one will fault you for leaving a stinking or sinking ship; you're not the Captain, you're just along for the ride.

The Market gives you "the Investor," a choice of staying onboard and riding through the store, or taking a trip on another ship.  Free will, use it or lost it ($).  "Problems?  I don't want no stinking problems."  I want to invest in companies that give me smooth sailing with the competition at my back, a clear sky overhead and lots of profits on the horizon.

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