Introduction to Java Programming Training

Includes Set of either 4 Videos or CD ROMs

Course Description

Keystone's intro to Java™ Programming will introduce you to the essential elements of the Java™ programming language. This interactive hands-on course allows you to become proficient in the Java™ programming language. You will learn how to create applets and applications; you will also be introduced to the object-oriented programming methodologies and features provided by the Java™ language.

About Trainer

Eric Rich has been employed with Trainix since 1997 and is formally trained in Java™, Unix/C++, as a Linux Professional and a Langvin Teaching Professional. Eric developed the Bitstorm ISP Network as the Web Administrator, and has programmed the management and billing systems. He has also provided consulting and instructional services for AT&T, IBM, NASA and the Florida Institute of Technology. This training is a collaborative project by Trainix, Inc. and Baer Wolf, Inc.

Course Outlines

Level 1

1.0 Overview of Java
1.1 What is Java?
1.2 What is OOP?
1.3 What is Source Code?
1.4 Dynamic Loading
1.5 Java vs. C
1.6 Java Platform & Development Environments
1.7 Applications & Applets
1.8 What is a JavaBean?
1.9 Web Programming with Java
1.10 What is Unicode?
1.11 Multi-tier Applications
1.12 Java Documentation
2.0 Getting Started in Java
2.1 Java Development Platforms
2.2 System Requirements
2.3 Obtaining the SDK
2.4 Installing the SDK
2.5 SDK Directory Structure
2.6 Development Environment
2.7 The Compiler & Interpreter
2.8 Program Requirements
2.9 Common Problems
3.0 BlueJ Tutorial
3.1 What is BlueJ?
3.2 Obtaining BlueJ
3.3 Installing BlueJ
3.4 Using BlueJ
3.5 Compiling a Class with Errors
3.6 Configuring BlueJ
3.7 Java Documentation

Level 2

1.0 Java Fundamentals
1.1 Styles
1.3 Identifiers
1.4 Reserved Keywords
1.5 Separators
1.6 Literals
1.7 Escape Sequences
2.0 Variables
2.1 What is a Variable?
2.2 What is a Data Type?
2.3 Declaring Variables
2.4 Initializing Variables
2.5 Accessing Variables
2.6 Constants
2.7 Automatic Conversion
2.8 Explicit Conversion
3.0 Operators
3.1 What are Operators?
3.2 Arithmetic Operators
3.3 Comparison Operators
3.4 Assignment Operators
3.5 Conditional Operators
3.6 Bitwise Operators
3.7 Bit Manipulations
3.8 Boolean Operators
3.9 Operator Precedence
4.0 Control Statements
4.1 The IF Statement
4.2 Code Blocks
4.3 Variable Scope
4.4 The ELSE Statement
4.5 The ELSE IF Statement
4.6 Conditional Operators
4.7 The SWITCH Statement
4.8 The WHILE Statement
4.9 The BREAK Statement
4.10 The CONTINUE Statement
4.11 The DO Statement
4.12 The FOR Statement
5.0 Methods Oc Si
5.1 What are Methods?
5.2 Method Header
5.3 Method Body
5.4 Calling Methods
5.5 Return Values
5.6 Method Arguments
5.7 Passing Arguments
5.8 Overloading Methods

Level 3

1.0 Overview Of Object Oriented Programming
1.1 What is OOP?
1.2 OOP vs. Procedural
1.3 What is a Class?
1.4 Inheritance
1.5 Relationships
1.6 What is an Object?
1.7 Development Cycle
1.8 Analyzing a Card Game
1.9 Class Examples
1.10 Using GUI Classes
2.0 Building Classes
2.1 Class Template
2.2 Defining Fields
2.3 Automatic Initialization
2.4 Object References
2.5 Instantiating Classes
2.6 Using Object References
2.7 The . {Dot) Operator
2.8 Accessing Fields
2.9 Defining Methods
2.10 Calling Methods
3.0 Working with Classes
3.1 Data Encapsulation
3.2 Access Control
3.3 The THIS Keyword
3.4 Constructors
3.5 Using Constructors
3.6 Why Use Constructors
3.7 Chaining Constructors
3.8 Class Variables
3.9 Accessing Class Variables
3.10 Class Methods
3.11 Initialization Blocks
3.12 Passing and Returning Objects
3.13 Garbage Collection
3.14 Finalize Method
3.15 Object Life Cycle
4.0 Packaging Classes
4.1 Packages
4.2 Creating Packages
4.3 Directory Structure
4.4 Package Access
4.5 Compiling with Packages
4.6 Executing Classes and Packages
4.7 Using Classes and Packages
4.8 Importing Classes
4.9 Java Archives
4.10 The Jar Utility
4.11 Creating a Java Archive File
4.12 Creating an Executable Java Archive File
4.14 Executing a Java Archive File
4.15 Viewing and Extracting Java Archive Files
4.16 Managing Packages with BlueJ

Level 4

1.0 Working With Strings
1.1 Overview of Strings
1.2 Creating Strings
1.3 Using Escape Characters
1.4 String Concatenation
1.5 String Length
1.6 Case Toggling
1.7 String Comparison
1.8 Sorting Strings
1.9 String Extraction
1.10 Searching Strings
1.11 Modifying Strings
1.12 StringBuffer Class
2.0 Formatting Strings & Numbers
2.1 Formatting Strings in Java
2.2 Using a Formatter
2.3 Formatting a Number
2.4 Customizing a Number Formatter
2.5 Eliminating Commas
2.6 Right Alignment
2.7 Left Alignment
2.8 Rounding
2.9 Formatting Currencies
2.10 Formatting Percentages
3.0 Arrays
3.1 What is an Array?
3.2 Creating an Array Variable
3.3 Creating an Array
3.4 Default Values
3.5 Accessing Array Elements
3.6 Inserting Values
3.7 Array Length
3.8 Multi-Dimensional Arrays
3.9 Creating a Multi-dimensional Array
3.10 Multi-dimensional Array View
3.11 Multi-dimensional Array Length
3.12 Accessing Array Elements
4.0 Using Vectors Oc Si
4.1 Overview of Vectors
4.2 Vector Constructor
4.3 Adding Elements
4.4 Inserting Elements
4.5 Changing an Element
4.6 Obtaining Capacity and Size
4.7 Ensuring the Capacity
4.8 Setting the Size
4.9 Retrieving Objects
4.10 Removing Elements
4.11 Searching in a Vector
5.0 Documenting Your Code
5.1 Documentation Comments
5.2 Standard Documentation
5.3 Documentation Example
5.4 Generating Documentation

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